Xinzhuo Huang

Typing SVG

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  • MPhil in Social Science, currently enrolled
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HongKong
    Under the guidance of Prof. CAI Yongshun and Prof. ZHANG Han
    Full Scholarships

  • MSc in Global China Studies, 2022
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HongKong
    Dean’s Award

  • LLB in Political Science and Law, 2020
    East China University of Political Science and Law, China
    Outstanding Graduation Thesis Award
    Outstanding Graduate Award

Working Paper

  • The Temporal and Spatial Heterogeneity of State Repression: Evidence from Causal Forest
    • Utilized causal forest to estimate heterogeneous effects.

  • Upward Targeting and Authoritarian Responsiveness in China, In Progress
    • Created Word Embeddings based on massive peition data in China.

Research Project

  • Polarized Agenda-Setting by Global News Media: Salience and Valence of China News
    • 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (Los Angeles, USA).
    • Co-author with Prof Jean Hong from University of Michigan and Prof Yusaku Horiuchi from Dartmouth College.

  • Propaganda and Petition in China’s Zero-Covid Campaign, In Progress
    • 2023 Young Scholars Conference in UC San Diego (CA, USA).
    • Co-author with Dr Hongshen ZHU from University of Pennsylvania and Prof Haibing YAN from ECUPL.


  • Reseach Assistant for Prof Jean Hong from University of Michigan, 2022

  • Reseach Assistant for Prof Yimin LIN from HKUST, 2022


- R, Advanced
- Quarto/Rmarkdown, Advanced
- Python, Advanced
- PostgreSQL, Beginner
- Julia, Beginner
- Javascript, Beginner

Real-time coding activity

Accumulated coding time Total time coded since Feb 14 2023 Since Feb 2023