In China, there are 2,734,921 companies related to surveillance, and our web scraper has recorded their detailed information.
require(pacman)p_load(showtext, ggspatial, viridis, scales, tidyverse, sf, fasterize, stars)font_add("Proxima", "E:\\OneDrive - HKUST Connect\\dataverse\\可视化\\Proxima Nova Extrabold.ttf")font_add("Proxima Head", "E:\\OneDrive - HKUST Connect\\dataverse\\可视化\\Publico Headline Web Bold.ttf")showtext_auto()colors<-c("#1380A1","#edae49","#66a182","#2e4057","#8d96a3","#d1495b")ggplot()+geom_sf(data =data_plot, aes(geometry =geometry, fill =total), color ="#FFFFFF")+geom_sf(data =part4, aes(geometry =geometry), fill =NA, color ="#2e4057", size =3)+ggthemes::theme_map()+viridis::scale_fill_viridis( option ="A", name ="Companies \nrelated to surveillance", alpha =0.8, begin =0, end =0.9, direction =-1, # dark is lowest, yellow is highest guide =guide_legend( keyheight =unit(5, units ="mm"), title.position ="top", reverse =FALSE, title.theme =element_text(family ="Proxima Head")))+annotation_scale( location ="tl", bar_cols =c("grey60", "white"), text_family ="Proxima Head")+annotation_north_arrow( location ="tl", which_north ="true", pad_x =unit(0.1, "in"), pad_y =unit(1.0, "in"), style =ggspatial::north_arrow_nautical( fill =c("grey40", "white"), line_col ="grey20", text_family ="Proxima Head", text_size =4))+theme( legend.position =c(0.82, 0.3), legend.key.size =unit(1, units ="cm"), legend.text =element_text(family ="Proxima Head", size =10), legend.margin =margin(t =0, r =10, b =0, l =0), plot.margin =margin(t =10, r =10, b =-30, l =10, unit ="pt"), plot.title =element_text(family ="Proxima Head", face ="bold", size =8), plot.subtitle =element_text(family ="Proxima", size =10))+ggtitle("Geographic Distribution of Surveillance Companies Across China")
Propaganda During the Shanghai Lockdown
The street-level distribution of propaganda which is based on approximately 90,000 WeChat posts from grassroots governments during the Shanghai lockdown
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------country<-read_rds("E:\\OneDrive - HKUST Connect\\dataverse\\shpfile\\阿里全国地图.Rds")%>%filter(name!="")%>%st_transform(crs ="+proj=aea +lat_1=25 +lat_2=47 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=105 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")target_province<-filter(country, name=="上海市")target_bbox<-st_bbox(target_province)X_expand<-(target_bbox$xmax-target_bbox$xmin)*0.3Y_expand<-(target_bbox$ymax-target_bbox$ymin)*0.3target_bbox_expanded<-target_bbox+c(-X_expand, -Y_expand, X_expand, Y_expand)target_expanded<-st_as_sfc(st_bbox(target_bbox_expanded), crs =st_crs(target_province))neighbors<-country%>%filter(st_intersects(st_geometry(.), target_expanded, sparse =FALSE)|>map_lgl(1, any))with_neighbors<-st_crop(neighbors, target_expanded)# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------china<-st_read("E:\\OneDrive - HKUST Connect\\dataverse\\shpfile\\1.2\\国界\\国家矢量.shp")world<-ne_countries(scale ="medium", returnclass ="sf")%>%st_transform("+proj=aea +lat_1=25 +lat_2=47 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=105 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")lon_min<-82lon_max<-126lat_min<-0lat_max<-55bbox<-st_bbox(c(xmin =lon_min, xmax =lon_max, ymin =lat_min, ymax =lat_max), crs =st_crs(4326))sp_bbox<-bbox%>%st_as_sfc()%>%st_as_sf()bounds_proj<-st_transform(sp_bbox, "+proj=aea +lat_1=25 +lat_2=47 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=105 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")xmin<-min(st_coordinates(bounds_proj)[, 1])xmax<-max(st_coordinates(bounds_proj)[, 1])ymin<-min(st_coordinates(bounds_proj)[, 2])ymax<-max(st_coordinates(bounds_proj)[, 2])base_map<-ggplot()+geom_sf( data =world, linetype ="solid", colour ="#FFFFFF", linewidth =0.4)+geom_sf( data =country, linetype ="solid", colour ="#8d96a3", linewidth =0.7)+geom_sf( data =target_province, fill ="#edae49")+geom_sf( data =target_expanded, fill =NA, color ="#d1495b", linetype ="solid", linewidth =0.7)+coord_sf(xlim =c(xmin, xmax), ylim =c(ymin, ymax), expand =FALSE)+ggthemes::theme_map()+scale_fill_viridis( option ="magma", name ="Number \n of posts", alpha =0.8, begin =0, end =0.9, direction =-1, # dark is lowest, yellow is highest guide =guide_legend( keyheight =unit(5, units ="mm"), title.position ="top", reverse =TRUE, title.theme =element_text(family ="Proxima Head")))+annotation_scale( location ="tl", bar_cols =c("grey60", "white"), text_family ="Proxima Head")+theme( panel.background =element_rect(fill ="lightblue"), legend.position ="right", legend.key.size =unit(10, units ="mm"), legend.text =element_text(family ="Proxima Head"), legend.margin =margin(t =0, r =10, b =0, l =0))# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ggplot()+geom_sf(data =with_neighbors)+geom_sf(data =st_transform(post_map, "+proj=aea +lat_1=25 +lat_2=47 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=105 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"), aes(fill =count), linewidth =0.4, size =0.1)+geom_sf( data =shanghai_district,aes(geometry =geometry), alpha =0, linetype ="solid", colour ="#FFFFFF", linewidth =0.7)+ggthemes::theme_map()+scale_fill_viridis( option ="magma", name ="Number \n of posts", alpha =0.8, begin =0, end =0.9, direction =-1, # dark is lowest, yellow is highest guide =guide_legend( keyheight =unit(5, units ="mm"), title.position ="top", reverse =TRUE, title.theme =element_text(family ="Proxima Head")))+annotation_scale( location ="tl", bar_cols =c("grey60", "white"), text_family ="Proxima Head")+annotation_north_arrow( location ="tl", which_north ="true", pad_x =unit(0.1, "in"), pad_y =unit(1.0, "in"), style =ggspatial::north_arrow_nautical( fill =c("grey40", "white"), line_col ="grey20", text_family ="Proxima Head"))+theme( legend.position ="right", legend.key.size =unit(10, units ="mm"), legend.text =element_text(family ="Proxima Head"), legend.margin =margin(t =0, r =10, b =0, l =0))
Pocket Crimes
“Pocket crimes” is broadly defined and ambiguously worded that authorities can apply it to almost any activity they deem undesirable. Draw on my policing data, I found that detentions under the pretext of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” are becoming increasingly severe.
ggplot(data_plot)+geom_point(aes(date, mean, color =group), shape =19, size =3)+geom_line(aes(date, mean, color =group), size =1)+scale_x_date(date_breaks ="6 month", date_labels ="%Y-%m")+geom_rect( data =tibble( xmin =as.Date(c("2018-05-1")), xmax =as.Date(c("2019-11-15")), ymin =-Inf, ymax =Inf),aes(xmin =xmin, xmax =xmax, ymin =ymin, ymax =ymax), fill ="grey", alpha =0.3)+scale_color_manual( values =colors[c(1, 2)])+xlab("")+ylab("Average Detention Time (in days)")+ggthemes::theme_hc(base_size =15)+guides(# color = guide_legend(title = ""))+geom_hline(yintercept =4.3, linetype ="longdash", color ="#555555", size =1)+geom_label( data =tibble(date =ymd("2020-02-01"), mean =3.87, label ="Average detention length \nfor all charges is 4.3 days"),aes(date, mean, label =label), family ="Proxima", hjust =0, vjust =0.5, lineheight =0.8, colour ="#555555", fill ="white", label.size =NA, size =4)+geom_label( data =tibble(date =ymd("2018-06-01"), mean =7.8, label ="Prior to the \nCOVID-19 pandemic"),aes(date, mean, label =label), family ="Proxima", hjust =0, vjust =0.5, lineheight =0.8, colour ="#555555", fill =NA, alpha =0.3, label.size =NA, size =6)+geom_curve(aes(x =ymd("2020-12-01"), xend =ymd("2021-01-14"), y =4, yend =4.3), colour ="#555555", size =0.5, curvature =-0.2, arrow =arrow(length =unit(0.03, "npc")))+geom_label(aes(x =ymd("2021-02-01"), y =7.2, label ="Picking Quarrels and Provoking Trouble"), family ="Proxima", hjust =0, vjust =0.5, lineheight =0.8, colour ="#edae49", fill ="white", alpha =0.3, label.size =NA, size =6)+geom_label(aes(x =ymd("2021-02-01"), y =5.5, label ="Disrupt Order in a Public Place"), family ="Proxima", hjust =0, vjust =0.5, lineheight =0.8, colour ="#1380A1", fill ="white", alpha =0.3, label.size =NA, size =6)+theme( legend.position ="none", axis.text =element_text( family ="Proxima Head", color ="#555665", size =15), axis.title.y =element_text( family ="Proxima Head",), legend.text =element_text(family ="Proxima Head"))
Trending Topics
We have recorded every minute of hotness data for over 400,000 hot searches appearing on China’s Weibo (akin to Twitter) trending list (100 million data points). Let’s take a look at how does an authoritarian government react when news unfavorable to it appears on trending lists.