Online Captcha Solving When Using R for Web Scraping
How to write a robust web scraper using R that can automatically bypass captcha checks? Our basic solution is as follows:
Firstly, maintain a logged-in state with httr
. Next, download the captcha locally. Following this, import the Python module ddddocr
for OCR recognition to identify the characters in the captcha. After the captcha has been successfully identified, we submit it to bypass the verification.
This allows us to continue with our web scraping activities unhindered. In web scraping, effective exception handling is rather important, and the functional programming tools provided by purrr
can be incredibly helpful.
handle <- handle("sample_website")
handle = handle,
write_disk("blog/captcha/captcha_new.jpg", overwrite = TRUE)
OCR recognition:
ddddocr <- reticulate::import("ddddocr")
ocr <- ddddocr$DdddOcr(beta = TRUE)
builtins <- import_builtins()
f <- builtins$open("blog/captcha/captcha_new.jpg", "rb")
image <- f$read()
yzm <- ocr$classification(image)
[1] "nf353"
After submission, the status code is 200, indicating success.
response <- POST(
body = list(yzm = yzm),
handle = handle
[1] 200
Let’s integrate the OCR module into our web scraping process. With the powerful exception handling provided by purrr
, we can create a more robust web scraper, which supports automatic retry and bypassing captchas.
extract_links <- possibly(
\(page_num = 1, source = 2, sleep = sample(seq(2, 5, 0.05), 1), location = NULL) {
page <- POST(
url = "sample_website",
encode = "form",
body = list(
`ajlb` = "2",
`st` = "1",
`jbfyId` = "",
`sxnflx` = "0",
`zscq` = "",
`cwslbmc` = "",
`prompt` = "",
`dsrName` = "",
`ajmc` = "",
`ay` = "",
`ah` = "",
`startCprq` = "2013-01-01",
`endCprq` = "2023-10-23",
`page` = page_num
handle = handle
sign <- page %>%
read_html() %>%
html_text() %>%
if (sign == "varcontextPath=提交") {
handle = handle,
write_disk("blog/captcha/captcha_new.jpg", overwrite = TRUE)
yzm <- ocr$classification(image)
response <- POST(
body = list(yzm = yzm),
handle = handle
if(response$status_code != 200) {stop("OCR failed!")}
} else {
links <- page %>%
read_html() %>%
html_elements(xpath = "//li[@class='refushCpws']") %>%
id <- links %>%
title <- links %>%
html_text(trim = TRUE)
courts <- page %>%
read_html() %>%
html_elements(xpath = "//span[@class='sp_right']")
court <- courts %>%
html_elements(xpath = "//span[@class='sp_name']") %>%
html_text(trim = TRUE)
date <- courts %>%
html_elements(xpath = "//span[@class='sp_time']") %>%
html_text(trim = TRUE)
result <- tibble(
id = id,
title = title,
court = court,
date = date
if (is.null(location)) {
} else {
write_rds(result, file = str_c(location, "/", page_num, ".Rds"))
rate = rate_backoff(
pause_base = 2,
pause_cap = 60,
pause_min = 1,
max_times = 10,
jitter = TRUE
result <- map(1:10, extract_links, .progress = TRUE)
The results of running this web scraper are as follows:
author = {Xinzhuo, Huang},
title = {Online {Captcha} {Solving} {When} {Using} {R} for {Web}
date = {2023-10-28},
url = {},
langid = {en}